
Annals of NCC


1969-1970 NCC Unit of the College began with 220 SD cadets in its roles under 24 KER BN NCC Thrissur with Prof. C.P Mathew as the officer in charge.          
1973-1974 NCC Officer Prof. C P Mathew relinquished and Prof. Paul Davis took charge as the new caretaker
1985 Prof. P T Jose succeeded Prof. Paul Davis and became Commissioned Officer as 2/Lt. P. T Jose in NCC after completing PRCN course of 3 months successfully at Officers Training Academy Kamptee, Nagpur
1990 Inception of NCC girls wing under officer in charge Sr. Regina Valiyaveetil. 54 Cadets were on roll in the first batch ,enrolled under 7 KER Girls BN NCC
1991 Rev [Sr] Regina Valiyaveetil successfully completed PRCN course at Gwalior to get commissioned as 2/Lt. [Sr] Regina Valiyaveetil. She was the first in the order of sisters to complete the 3 months of NCC training course at Officers Training Academy , Gwalior
1992  A new award names as Fr. Antony Thattil Endowement was instituted by 2/Lt. P. T Jose, NCC Officer of St. Aloysius College Elthuruth. It was awarded to the best  NCC cadet of the college.   
1995 Lt. P T Jose successfully completed one month refresher course at Officers Training Academy Kamptee, Nagpur and got raised as Capt. P. T Jose.
2002 Ms. Dhina John succeeded Sr. Regina Valiyaveetil and became NCC officer as Lt. Dhina T.A in NCC after completing PRCN course of 3 months successfully at Officers Training Academy, Gwalior.
2003 Capt. P T Jose successfully completed his second one month refresher course at Officers Training Academy Kamptee, Nagpur and got raised as Major P. T Jose.

St. Aloysius College NCC unit was awarded as „Best Sub Unit “ of Ernakulam Group. The award was given by the then Ernakulam Group commander, Capt.(IN) T K  Asokan.

Maj. P T Jose was awarded the “Best ANO (S.D)” of 24 KER BN NCC, Thrissur.

2012  Maj. P T Jose relinquished his position as ANO from NCC
2014 Prof. Jaison Jacob succeeded Maj. P.T Jose and became Commissioned Officer as Lt. Jaison Jacob in NCC after completing PRCN course of 3 months successfully with “A” grade and he was ranked 5 among 112 trainees all over the country at Officers Training Academy Kamptee, Nagpur.
2019 Lt. Dhina T. A relinquished her position as ANO from NCC due to her retirement and Ms. Rajitha A.G was appointed as the new Caretaker of Senior Wing Girls NCC.
2022 Dr. Raina Jose succeeded Ms. Rajitha A G and became NCC officer as Lt. Dr. Raina Jose P in NCC after completing PRCN course of 3 months successfully at Officers Training Academy, Gwalior.
2023 Lt. Jaison Jacob successfully completed one month refresher course at Officers Training Academy Kamptee, Nagpur and got raised as Capt. Jaison Jacob.


St. Aloysius College
Elthuruth, Thrissur 680 611

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